As the world steadily embraces the ‘Do It Yourself’, self- service approach that is prevalent in many facets of day to day life, progressively more and more businesses are introducing kiosks to their models. This global shift to self- service has changed so much it is difficult to keep up but here’s a few examples […]
When introducing self -service kiosks to your business you may have reservations over the likelihood of customers embracing the new technology. At first, new technology can be intimidating for some users but advice is available to help you implement self- service kiosks successfully: Attendants Having a human staff member in close proximity to the self- […]
The touchscreen revolution put an end to the days when keyboards reigned supreme but are there still viable reasons for considering a keyboard when you start your kiosk project? From hygiene and maintenance, to aesthetic considerations, we explore the pros and cons of adding keys to your kiosk: Benefits The Millennial generation aside; people are […]
From paying for parking tickets to finding directions, outdoor kiosks have grown to become part of everyday life in most major cities and towns. This self-service technology is everywhere we look and it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. By utilizing an outdoor kiosk your company can add value for your customers by expanding offerings, making customers feel independent, […]
Across the globe, customers now use EMV (chip card technology) to pay for goods and services instead of relying on the familiar magnetic strip system we’ve become so accustomed to. In brief, EMV chips offer a secure system that connects the payment card at the point of sale using a unique security code for each […]
Of all the medical complaints we suffer from; few are more embarrassing to discuss than sexual health issues. Whether its sexually transmitted infections or something even more sensitive, it’s not the kind of thing many want to discuss in public with a doctor’s receptionist – it’s an intensely private matter many local authorities and organisations […]
For those who have ever worked in a sales environment; you will be all too aware that to incur the most sales you need the most leads. Leads are the first step towards courting a potential client and developing them into a customer – it’s that simple. Studies have shown that 65% of marketing and […]
Many businesses utilise kiosks to increase awareness of their brand or to create leads for their sales departments to work with; thereby increasing revenue without necessarily increasing the wage bill. If kiosks are being utilized so successfully for commercial entities; can kiosks be used to increase awareness and donations for non-profit organisations such as charities […]