
Cammax Guide to Product Dispensing Kiosk Machines


More and more, companies in both the public and private sectors are making vending machines an important part of their product distribution strategies. Vending kiosks enable products to be sold/dispensed in more locations at a lower cost than in traditional outlets where rent, restocking and staff costs have to be accounted for. There’s also strong […]

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5 Types of Kiosk Machine


The use of self-service technology is on the rise as businesses seek ways to operate more efficiently and deploy their staff more effectively. Nowhere is that more evident than in the proliferation of interactive kiosk machines. The market for interactive kiosk machines is expected to reach $73.3 billion by 2020, according to estimates by Markets […]

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Examples of Successful NHS Kiosk Applications


An increasing number of NHS and healthcare bodies are rolling out kiosks in a bid to lower costs, free up staff and improve customer service. Touch screen kiosks offer a convenient solution to a variety of modern-day health service challenges and over the year’s we have worked with a number of NHS organisations to develop […]

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How Touchsceen Kiosks Can Make Travel Easier


The UK is a nation of transport lovers with millions of us taking journeys on planes, trains and cars each day. However, when problems occur it can be stressful for both passengers and businesses who have to deal with unhappy customers and increased costs. In recent years kiosk solutions have helped to transform the way […]

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How Kiosks Can Help The Elderly


Touch screen kiosks are known to benefit a vast range of demographics and are deployed at several different locations, whether it be an airport, train station or hospital. The machines are also commonly utilized as ticketing points, information points, check-in system, and now, owing to advancements in technology, they can assist with a growing range […]

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3 examples of successful Smart Ticketing Application


Over recent years Cammax have worked in partnership with a range of different customers and Passenger Transport Executives to launch many successful SMART Ticketing initiatives. You may be familiar with the many features and benefits of our ITSO SMART Ticketing range but we also acknowledge that it’s important to visualize deployment and to measure success. […]

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3 Examples of Council Payment Kiosk Rollout


With councils across the UK facing a plethora of challenges, more and more local authorities are turning to digital solutions in an attempt to reduce costs, improve efficiency and enhance the over customer experience. At Cammax we recognise the problems many council’s face which is why we have developed the state-of-the-art Council payment kiosk that […]

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Angled Touchscreens vs Vertical Touchscreens


More and more businesses are realising the potential of kiosks and with new solutions in payment, retail and ticketing being developed all the time, a plethora of sectors are now reaping the rewards. Interactive kiosks come in an array of different designs and with many purposes in mind. You might also be surprised to learn […]

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