It’s easy to be lulled into thinking a wayfinding kiosk can only provide directions to those in need but in recent times there have been great advances made to improve the functionality of these kiosks. Previously, the machines would be programmed to simply provide directions to specific landmarks or districts of towns and cities, but […]
Self- service is fast becoming the nation’s favourite way to interact with businesses. From supermarket checkouts to airports, self- service kiosks are being implemented in all industries for one reason or another and none more so than hotels in recent times. The applications of self- service kiosks in hotels are numerous and it is no […]
Akin to any computer or similar device, kiosks require software to function but it can be a difficult decision to deduce which software is best suited for the needs of your business and your customers. You could opt for a system based on a web browser but tend to be limited and inflexible at times. […]
Read our latest contribution to Kiosk Solutions magazine where we explore how Self Service can stay SMART: With the development of new technologies and the ever increasing popularity of Smart Phones there is sometimes a misconception that self-service kiosks are becoming a thing of the past. Why, because the ever increasing ability to access personalised […]
It may seem like a very modern innovation, but touchscreens have actually been around for more than 20 years – it is simply the applications that have changed over time from the clunky information points right up to the delicate screen on your mobile phone. In this article, we focus on the applications of touchscreen […]
Following last year’s success, we are delighted to announce that we will be sponsoring the Transport Card Forum Conference and Exhibition which will be held at the Queens Hotel in Leeds between 27th-28th September 2016. Transport Card Forum has been running since 1997 after being set up by Smartex on behalf of the UK Department […]
Thousands of commuters across South Yorkshire are benefiting from better ways to buy public transport tickets following a shift to smart technology at Travel Interchanges. Over 150,000 transactions have taken place at the 22 Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) put in place by Cammax starting in July 2014 Major terminals such as Meadowhall Interchange and Sheffield […]
Every business knows that their customers thoughts are always the most important and valuable asset to how they run. Feedback allows change and growth within a company and allows for more reliable opinion from a customer. Almost every kind of industry will now hold some kind of feedback survey through either a rated survey or […]