Kiosks in the Casino Industry


Visit any high-street bookmaker or casino and chances are you’ll encounter a touchscreen kiosk of some sort; they bring an engaging experience to customers whilst saving your business time and money. Here at Cammax we have worked with some of the biggest names in the casino industry and we have a real grasp of the […]

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Kiosk Definitions and Terminology


Before you consider investing in a kiosk for your business it would be prudent to familiarise yourself with the terminology and jargon affiliated with the technology so please explore some of the most common terms in the glossary below. We’ll be adding to this list over time but if you come across a term you […]

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How Businesses are Upselling with Digital Signage


If your business has invested in digital signage, or is considering investment in the future, you may be trying to decipher tangible ROI but this can be a difficult task if the signage is only used to promote awareness of your brand. In order to unlock the true potential of digital signage a little marketing […]

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Desktop Kiosks for the Space Conscious Business


Having a large kiosk is all well and good but if you’re a little low on space in your office or business headquarters, there may be more appropriate options for you to consider. Desktop kiosks can be a great alternative to large, freestanding kiosks as they can be placed on any counter top or table […]

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Applications and benefits of Touchscreens for the Police


As we all know, touchscreens are fast becoming the only viable option for many businesses as they attempt to reach out to customers and refine their internal procedures. Touchscreens and kiosks offer ease of use on a level that can’t be match by more archaic technology and the population is now so familiar with touchscreens […]

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Watch: Julian Rooney talks Smart Ticketing at Ticket Summit North 2016


  Kiosk Summit North was the first in a series of two one-day conference focused events for the self service industry, taking place at Manchester’s Etihad Stadium on 19th October 2016. The Summit brought together all of the industries thought leaders in one place, consisting of education, networking and debate. It also provided an opportunity for deployers, […]

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The Top Applications of Touchscreen Surveys


Touchscreen devices such as mobile phones, EPOS and self-checkouts in supermarkets are now the norm with the younger generation but all the evidence is suggesting that they are being adopted by older people too due to their simplicity of use. Traditionally, surveys were carried out using a mostly paper-based process with customers prompted to fill […]

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Choosing the Right Touch Screen Model for your business


  Unlike a television screen, touch screens don’t come in too many different types (LCD, Plasma etc). Instead, they are generally considered to be resistive or capacitive depending on how they react when pressure is applied to them – that’s basically the only difference that affects usability but there are a lot of considerations when […]

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