The Benefits of EPOS Software


Businesses are increasingly searching for new ways to save money, drive productivity, and heighten sales which is why many industries are continuing to turn towards EPOS systems. EPOS stands for Electronic Point of Sale and the term refers to a computerised system used in the likes of shops, restaurants, and various other retail outlets. EPOS […]

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Is the UK heading towards a cashless society?


Contactless payments are becoming increasingly popular with more and more businesses in the UK, big and small, embracing this new technology. Across Europe, the use of cash in countries like Sweden is declining rapidly with some commentators arguing that it’s on the cusp of becoming the world’s first nation to scrap cash completely. But is […]

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Indoor Kiosks vs Outdoor Kiosks: The Benefits


Indoor and outdoor kiosks each come with a plethora of benefits for both customers and businesses but choosing which option is best for your business can be tricky endeavour; whilst one may seem like the more obvious option, delving into their pros and cons may suggest otherwise. Before you make your decision, it’s worth researching […]

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Leeds becomes latest City to Roll out Cammax Smart Ticketing Kiosks


Leeds has become the latest city in the UK to benefit from Cammax SMART Ticketing kiosks following the roll out of several new indoor kiosks at the city’s bus station. Following similar projects in Nottingham and York, passengers in the UK’s 3rd biggest city will now be able to benefit from quicker and more efficient […]

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Kiosk Rental Trips


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How Kiosks Can Help Your Business Go Green


Over the past few decades many businesses across the UK have taken great strides towards embracing environmentally friendly practices but with Carbon Footprints, waste and pollution all continuing to rise it’s no secret that more needs to be done. As we endeavour for a more eco-friendly and sustainable society in this piece we explore the […]

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How Self Service can enhance Government Services


Government and local authorities in the UK are challenged with trying to provide for an ever- increasing population with fewer resources than ever before. This imbalance has led to extended waiting periods, inefficient processes, and poor customer experiences. Thankfully, there a number of self-service solutions that are available to help local authorities deal with the […]

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Kiosk Innovation in 2017


Self- Service is big business in the UK and with technology and competition hotting up each year, 2017 and beyond promises even more innovation. From improvements in Healthcare to advancements in kiosks for banking, we look at some of the ways in which kiosks will enhance our lives this year and beyond. Self Service for […]

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